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Ultimate Dad Podcast

Mar 30, 2021

Cris “Sunshine” Lencioni has been beating the odds his whole life. Born into a home defined by abuse, with his mother spending time in prison and no real father figure, Cris quickly learned to fend for himself. From numerous street fights (“I just couldn’t shut the fuck up.”) to battling ADHD/OCD, Cris has...

Mar 23, 2021

Brandy is back on the podcast! Everybody’s favorite guest is here, and she’s got some things on her mind. She’s talking second trimester, pregnancy cravings, shopping for her own diaper bag, and dishing on things that bother her.

It’s a list that includes:
Milk (seriously)
Green bananas
Wet dog smell
And so much...

Mar 16, 2021

Alex is having a time of it. Beav is bracing for life as parent to a newborn and a pre-teen. This 💩is getting real. Literally.

Alex digs out his septic tanks and rips up brand new flooring (again) while trying to figure out why he’s allergic to everything, and Beav celebrates the fact his oldest can now cook...

Mar 9, 2021

Amy Tucker was desperate.

Faced with a problem that was ruining family vacations and reducing her son to tears, she got busy. The solution she found would, four years later, lead her and her husband to sell their house, move to a rural cabin, and risk everything on a start-up with no...