Aug 28, 2019
They are gone! The kids are finally back at school, and Beav’s wife couldn’t be happier. They survived a long summer at home, but just barely. Alex has another week before he can pass his 3 boys off at day care to give his wife a break from chaos.
Do you realize how much Day care costs?!?! Its amazing how it feels...
Aug 13, 2019
Booth is here! Booth is the owner of Armordillo Concealment, a holster company that was formed in his garage around 2011, and continues to be an industry leader with in the gun community. He is also a full time Firefighter in Florida, as well as a father of 5. Yes, 5! If you want to talk about a juggling act, this is...
Aug 6, 2019
Ep. 014 - BEAR!
The summer is coming to an end, and the final trip of the season is happening for Beav and Alex at the same time. Alex is headed to North Carolina for a wedding and family trip, and Beav is headed to Tennessee, both for a quick three day weekend trip. Beav’s older brother, Matt,(from episode 010) is...